Friday, November 19, 2004

It's Hard Being a Pregnant Student

It's extremely difficult to be pregnant and going to school. I have to lug around a 10 pound bag full of a day's worth of books, and I'm always tired--always tired and I never have a place to take a nap. Wednesday is the worst. I have class from 8am-7pm. I get headaches everyday. I know I'm lacking water hardcore. There must be an easier way to do this.

I feel miserable.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Missed Appointment and Need to Find New Doctor

I missed my appointment this month. Its too much of a hassle to travel a total of approx. 120 miles just to have an appointment that lasts 5 minutes. I need to look for a new doctor who practices within 5 miles of where I live. I also need to start finding a hospital where I will deliver. Time is passing too quickly!