Thursday, June 16, 2005

Look at that baby's muscles!!!

Before I forget, I have a story to tell.

Emmanuel and I were at one of his friend's house, and his friend had a daughter. She saw Daphne and started to talk, coo, and sing to her. It was the cutest thing EVER. She started to sing a variation of "This little piggy went to market..." to Daphne while fiddling with her toes.

All of a sudden, she gasped and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, that's the cutest thing, ever." And starts to look for her mom. She wanders around the house calling out for her, "Mom, Where's mom?" She finally finds her mom, brings her to Daphne and says, "Mom, look, this baby has muscles!" I was at first so confused until I realized she was referring to Daphne's arm folds!!!! She went on stroking Daphne's "muscles," saying, "Oh my gosh, you are so cute. These are the cutest muscles I've ever seen! Aww, look. Wow, what muscle-y shoulders! One, two, three, four--you have four!"

"Four shoulders?," her mom asked. "I don't think so."

"No, four muscles on each arm!"

Then she proceeded to count Daphne's leg "muscles."

Friday, June 3, 2005

Type-riffic Baby!!!!!!!!

I was standing in front of the computer with Daphne in her sling sitting kangeroo style, and all of a sudden, she starts typing on the keyboard. I quickly opened up KWrite so I could save what she was typing.


b cxllllllllkkkkknjjkkkkkkk;;;;;;;;;oll n9jjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkbbb mmmmm bbbbbbbbbbbbbb v c i hhhhhhhhhhhhngbbbbbbbb
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvb ccccccxgh hhhhhhj vcv v cccccc szzzzzzzkkmmmmmmm ;;kooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohbokopoooommmm
mmmmm9090oooooo m9./kkkkkk-9090j uiuuuo8uiiiiiu67777777743s3eee 0.....;;;;/;/l.n /.

She really likes the spacebar. =)

Daphne Jade is just too cool in so many ways!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2005

Not really a milestone, but I can't help writing about it...

Daphne is growing up so quickly. I recall being pregnant and a bunch of mothers telling me that babies grow up so quickly and thinking what liars they had been the first few weeks following Daphne's birth (haha). But apparently, they had been very, very, and quite sadly correct. She's two feet long now, and everyday I see more and more they kind of person she's becoming.

For example, today, she was really cranky while I was nursing her to sleep and I stroked her forehead. She was very annoyed with my stroking because she immediately made this annoyed grunt, and I just thought it was the funniest thing, EVER. She's grabbing everything now, and it's just so amazing because I clearly remember her when she wouldn't even unfurl her fingers!!!

Man... ::shakes head in disbelief::

Oh, and I mustn't forget about her very expressive eyebrows. They are always going up and down. Sometimes she just raises one eyebrow, and occasionally, she'll make one go up, take it back down, and raise the other one, so it looks like her eyebrows are doing the wave. Heh, what a funny kid.