Saturday, April 2, 2005

Lifts and Holds Head Up...

I've been very delinquent about blogger Daphne's many accomplishments!


BUT--NOW, she lifts her head up and holds herself up on her forearms. She has been doing this though, for the past two weeks. I'm sad because I can't recall the exact date.

I've been neglecting this blog. I need to re-upload those pictures. I'm still wondering where they went. Eman said he was moving directories and they were deleted during the GREAT DELETE, but that doesnt explain why that one picture was left along with the page, and this page, as a matter of fact.

For all those who care and because I feel bad about it, I will tell you what the GREAT DELETE was. It was when Eman was moving directories and I distracted him, so he claims, and deleted the directory with all his MUSIC AND MOVIES AND ALLLLLLLLLL OUR OLD, OLD PICTURES among other things. But if he was like us, normal computer illiterate people, I later realized, and moved that directory by dragging all those files to where he wanted instead of using that stupid terminal thing (which, by the way, he's refusing to teach me how to use), this wouldn't even have been an issue. But alas, he thinks its so cool to type in a string of commands (which actually does seem cool [I am dumb]), so here we are.

Daphne also makes lots and lots of noises. UGH! and I forgot to blog about that one day Eman was holding her, said something nonsensical, and she took a deep breath and said,"gaaaaaay." And it didnt stop there! She proceeded and said gay again except with not so much emphasis on the "a."

DAPHNE JADE, YOU ARE SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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