Ahhhh, I haven't updated in forever!
We were all sick for quite a while in October. I guess because I hadn't updated, I sort of lost my groove. So allow me to get all of you updated:
Daphne and I were sick for about two weeks in October. It was really weird. First, she was feverish for three days. I got here these BeKoool head things, and they worked like a charm. I only had her wear it while sleeping because body temperature rises as one sleeps, and hers was just becoming unacceptably high (up to 103.6, but only as she slept). I was sort of worried about her brain swelling and causing brain damage. I know they say this only happens if the brain reaches a temperature of 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but everyone is different. So she had the fever, but displayed no cold symptoms. She also wanted to be held, so this meant that she was not achy which could have meant the flu (AHHHHHHHHHHHH)! So the fever went away in about 2.5 days and half a day later, she starts to display cold symptoms. Near the end of her fever, I felt like I had the beginnings of a sore throat (which, yes, became a full blown sore throat within a day or so). So I assumed she, too, had a sore throat when she started to become congested. I gave her Pediacare Decongestant. We went to the doctor (two different ones because I didn't trust that the first one evaluated her throughly enough). This sickness was sort of difficult to deal with because she was waking up hourly. It was so sad to see her so uncomfortable. We bought a humidifier, and it took forever to pick one out because it was difficult for me to choose between the cool mist humidifier and the warm one. Also picked up some Baby Vicks Vapor Rub. Poor kid.
Then Emmanuel got sick or at least claimed he did. He had congested sinuses, but I never know if it's because he's really sick or because of his allergies. So I went ahead and gave him Tylenol Allergy Sinus. My sickness was pretty gnarly. I always get sinus headaches. I hate sinus headache meds because of the dry mouth and lightheadedness. What a worrrld, what a world.
Daphne is now 2 and a half feet tall! Today, she learned to pass toys between me and her daddy. She was playing with a toy and I was watching her as I remembered an article I read about baby milestones. This woman had written about how her daughter and learned how to pass toys to her, and I wanted to see if I'd be able to show Daphne. I went down to her, outstretched my hand and said, "Please give." She looked at it and started to slap it with the toy. I wanted for her to hold it still and then I took hold of it and gently tugged. She held on to it, but I slipped it out of her hand. I thanked her. I then pressed it against my chest to sort of emphasize that I had it. After a second or two, I held it out and said, "Here."
I repeated this. She caught on quickly. She giggled (I've read that they giggle when they learn), and it wasn't long after that that she started to outstretch her arm towards me while vocally motioning for me to take what she was offering. She'd do this by making a staccato "unh" sound.
It was soooooooooo exciting! I quickly called Emmanuel who then came to play with us. I wanted to show Daphne that she could also pass things to other people so we set up this little triangle where I would hand it to Emmanuel while saying, "here." He would then thank me, hold it against his chest and hand it to Daphne. Daphne would turn to him and take it, then turn to me offer it to me and say, "Unh." It very, every exciting. Hahaha, so exciting we didn't stop doing this until about 10 minutes later. It was, of course, Daphne who decided to stop. We probably would have been able to do it 10 more minutes, we were just that amazed.
Hmm, there have been other moments where I've mentally made a note to blog about, but now, they slip my mind.
I'll post those things as soon as I remember (gosh, I hope I remember). It's sort of difficult to update because it's not like I can just drop everything the moment something memorable has happened. It's extremely important for me to do this, though. I was reading this snippet a woman wrote about finding a journal she kept while raising her baby, and in it, she had written a list of things about her daughter. One of the things on the list was that her daughter's hair was like marshmallow in the morning right after she woke up. She remembered and was amazed because without that journal to remind her, she would have forgotten (up until that moment, I guess she hadn't thought about it).
Oh yeah, as soon as Eman fixes the server, I'll be able to post pictures and VIDEOS of Daphne! So stay tuned, readers!
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