Lotus has been lifting herself up on her hands and knees lately, but she always slides down on her belly before she ever gets anywhere. I'm pretty sure she's going to start crawling soon.
She grabs at anything in sight! She grabs our plates when we're holding her in our laps while eating. She basically will grab anything you wave near her. My midwife had advised me to take fish oil because of the high amounts of omega-3s and DHA, which are reported to help brain and eye development. From the looks of it, she can see quite far (babies her age are reported to only see 1-3 feet in front of them). She can spot her daddy from halfway across the room.
She's a very calm baby, and she loves people. Daphne only liked seeing Emmanuel and me. Lotus will smile at everyone. She's very content just sitting in her Bumbo while watching me perform various tasks. She seldom cries--only when she is tired. Another way she differs from Daphne is that Daphne always had to be breastfed or rocked to sleep. Lotus cannot stand to be rocked or breastfed to sleep. She needs to be put down and left alone. I did not think it was going to be this easy.
She giggles now, too. Her giggles are very soft. She loves it when Emmanuel "eats" her belly.
Sorry if my posts are not very cohesive. I do not have lots of time to post, so I try to think of everything I can, and it just sort of pours out in no particular order.
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