Wednesday, December 7, 2005

She plays so well...

As I type, Daphne is sitting down in the living room playing all by herself. It's so cute to watch her amuse herself! For some reason, I find it remarkable. She looks so, so, so, so, soooo cute, I could just gobble her up!

I have absolutely no idea why it's so funny to watch her. She just looks so intent and she had serious work to do! Hehehe.

She has a rash on her knees; it looks like eczema. She had a slight fever this morning about 101.4 degrees. I found this odd because she had been exhibiting cold symptoms for the past week, and it seemed to be clearing up. All of a sudden, though, she had colored mucus! How odd. It had been clear and runny before. But it got substantially better, no fever now and we're back to the runny nose again.

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Darn. Sick Again.

Daphne and I are sick again. Darn. Well, at least she isn't feverish.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Oh yeah, one last thing.

I forgot to mention that Daphne does not like eating with her baby spoons. She will only eat if fed with a fork for some reason. At first, I thought it was that she didn't like baby food anymore because she was refusing to eat it, but oddly would gladly accept food we fed her at restaurants (like broccoli or Indian food). Today, I tried to give baby food one last try. She would feed it to herself with her hands, but wouldn't take it from her baby spoon. I was eating at the same time, so decided to scoop up some of her baby food with my fork, and she gladly took it.

Heh, she doesn't like eating with her baby spoon, but she just loves carrying it around. Eman made this observation today. He commented on how she just wouldn't let it go and was crawling around with it everywhere.

Oh yeah, I remembered.

Daphne rapidly flaps her arms up and down when she is excitedly happy or upset. It's really funny. She knows now that raising her arms conveys that she wants to be held.

And probably the most endearing thing of all:

When we walk around the condo, she follows us. One time, I went into the bedroom to quickly grab something, and behind me I hear this really fast breathing and slapping noises. I turn around, and lo and behold: I see Daphne grinning at me, trying to crawl as quickly as she can (which is pretty fast) to catch up.

Eman told me that when he's taking care of her, she loves chasing him around. However, apparently, after one lap, she'll give up, sit down, stare at the carpet, and sigh despondently. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW, how funny is that.

Daphne is just wayyyy tooooo adorably expressive.

Lots of things, so little time.

Ahhhh, I haven't updated in forever!

We were all sick for quite a while in October. I guess because I hadn't updated, I sort of lost my groove. So allow me to get all of you updated:

Daphne and I were sick for about two weeks in October. It was really weird. First, she was feverish for three days. I got here these BeKoool head things, and they worked like a charm. I only had her wear it while sleeping because body temperature rises as one sleeps, and hers was just becoming unacceptably high (up to 103.6, but only as she slept). I was sort of worried about her brain swelling and causing brain damage. I know they say this only happens if the brain reaches a temperature of 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but everyone is different. So she had the fever, but displayed no cold symptoms. She also wanted to be held, so this meant that she was not achy which could have meant the flu (AHHHHHHHHHHHH)! So the fever went away in about 2.5 days and half a day later, she starts to display cold symptoms. Near the end of her fever, I felt like I had the beginnings of a sore throat (which, yes, became a full blown sore throat within a day or so). So I assumed she, too, had a sore throat when she started to become congested. I gave her Pediacare Decongestant. We went to the doctor (two different ones because I didn't trust that the first one evaluated her throughly enough). This sickness was sort of difficult to deal with because she was waking up hourly. It was so sad to see her so uncomfortable. We bought a humidifier, and it took forever to pick one out because it was difficult for me to choose between the cool mist humidifier and the warm one. Also picked up some Baby Vicks Vapor Rub. Poor kid.

Then Emmanuel got sick or at least claimed he did. He had congested sinuses, but I never know if it's because he's really sick or because of his allergies. So I went ahead and gave him Tylenol Allergy Sinus. My sickness was pretty gnarly. I always get sinus headaches. I hate sinus headache meds because of the dry mouth and lightheadedness. What a worrrld, what a world.

Daphne is now 2 and a half feet tall! Today, she learned to pass toys between me and her daddy. She was playing with a toy and I was watching her as I remembered an article I read about baby milestones. This woman had written about how her daughter and learned how to pass toys to her, and I wanted to see if I'd be able to show Daphne. I went down to her, outstretched my hand and said, "Please give." She looked at it and started to slap it with the toy. I wanted for her to hold it still and then I took hold of it and gently tugged. She held on to it, but I slipped it out of her hand. I thanked her. I then pressed it against my chest to sort of emphasize that I had it. After a second or two, I held it out and said, "Here."

I repeated this. She caught on quickly. She giggled (I've read that they giggle when they learn), and it wasn't long after that that she started to outstretch her arm towards me while vocally motioning for me to take what she was offering. She'd do this by making a staccato "unh" sound.

It was soooooooooo exciting! I quickly called Emmanuel who then came to play with us. I wanted to show Daphne that she could also pass things to other people so we set up this little triangle where I would hand it to Emmanuel while saying, "here." He would then thank me, hold it against his chest and hand it to Daphne. Daphne would turn to him and take it, then turn to me offer it to me and say, "Unh." It very, every exciting. Hahaha, so exciting we didn't stop doing this until about 10 minutes later. It was, of course, Daphne who decided to stop. We probably would have been able to do it 10 more minutes, we were just that amazed.

Hmm, there have been other moments where I've mentally made a note to blog about, but now, they slip my mind.

I'll post those things as soon as I remember (gosh, I hope I remember). It's sort of difficult to update because it's not like I can just drop everything the moment something memorable has happened. It's extremely important for me to do this, though. I was reading this snippet a woman wrote about finding a journal she kept while raising her baby, and in it, she had written a list of things about her daughter. One of the things on the list was that her daughter's hair was like marshmallow in the morning right after she woke up. She remembered and was amazed because without that journal to remind her, she would have forgotten (up until that moment, I guess she hadn't thought about it).

Oh yeah, as soon as Eman fixes the server, I'll be able to post pictures and VIDEOS of Daphne! So stay tuned, readers!

Friday, September 9, 2005

Eats solids amazingly well and stands!

I cannot believe I have not been posting! So many new things are happening! Daphne can now sit up straight and well-balanced. She can pull herself up and support herself on something while standing! I could not believe it the first time I saw it. Even the second time, the third, the fourth, or even the fifth. I probably will still not be able to believe it if she did it right now! She is not even seven months, yet. I suspect she will start walking by nine months. She already crawls like a pro! One minute, she is on one side of the room, the next minute she is on the other. Amazing.

I really cannot wait until she starts talking and walking. We will be able to walk, go places, and then talk about what we see! Very cool, indeed.

In case anyone is wondering why I am writing so oddly--without contractions and all--it is because Emmanuel put this weird setting with the keyboard so he could use macrons when typing in Latin.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Eating Solids...

Daphne is now eating solids. She started a few days ago, but I forgot to post. The first thing she ate was banana, next peas, and today she just finished her jar of sweet potato. Yum.

More updates soon.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Can Almost Crawl...

Daphne can get up on her hands and knees now! She can't move yet to crawl, but she can rock herself back and forth.

I'm very excited to see the first time she crawls.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Hehe, above average baby!

Today, Daphne is exactly 5 months old!

On the 11th, she had her second round of immunizations. As soon as we got home, I gave her baby Tylenol. She didn't gag at the cherry flavor, so I think she's about ready for solids. She handled her shots better this time around.

She weighs 20 pounds and is 26 inches long. I forgot the circumfrence of her head, but she's in the 95th percentile. She's in the 95th percentile for her length, too, and above the 95th percetile in her weight.

We put together the exersauce, and she can entertain herself for about 20 minutes on it, which is great. She is also liking her swing more. She used to hate being in it before.

She can effortlessly flip from back to tummy and back again now, and she's mastered her thumbsucking technique.

Emmanuel moved the server and something happened, so its down now, but he's bound to get it up soon. I have new pictures, courtesy of Cousin Catherine.

Friday, July 1, 2005

Things I Do Not Want To Forget...

I don't want to forget the funny way her eyes droop as she's falling asleep. I hope I'll always remember the way she wiggles around, the odd way she twists and tilts her head to see things that catch her attention, her funny little squeals, and her little bite-size tamale feet.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Look at that baby's muscles!!!

Before I forget, I have a story to tell.

Emmanuel and I were at one of his friend's house, and his friend had a daughter. She saw Daphne and started to talk, coo, and sing to her. It was the cutest thing EVER. She started to sing a variation of "This little piggy went to market..." to Daphne while fiddling with her toes.

All of a sudden, she gasped and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, that's the cutest thing, ever." And starts to look for her mom. She wanders around the house calling out for her, "Mom, Where's mom?" She finally finds her mom, brings her to Daphne and says, "Mom, look, this baby has muscles!" I was at first so confused until I realized she was referring to Daphne's arm folds!!!! She went on stroking Daphne's "muscles," saying, "Oh my gosh, you are so cute. These are the cutest muscles I've ever seen! Aww, look. Wow, what muscle-y shoulders! One, two, three, four--you have four!"

"Four shoulders?," her mom asked. "I don't think so."

"No, four muscles on each arm!"

Then she proceeded to count Daphne's leg "muscles."

Friday, June 3, 2005

Type-riffic Baby!!!!!!!!

I was standing in front of the computer with Daphne in her sling sitting kangeroo style, and all of a sudden, she starts typing on the keyboard. I quickly opened up KWrite so I could save what she was typing.


b cxllllllllkkkkknjjkkkkkkk;;;;;;;;;oll n9jjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkbbb mmmmm bbbbbbbbbbbbbb v c i hhhhhhhhhhhhngbbbbbbbb
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvb ccccccxgh hhhhhhj vcv v cccccc szzzzzzzkkmmmmmmm ;;kooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohbokopoooommmm
mmmmm9090oooooo m9./kkkkkk-9090j uiuuuo8uiiiiiu67777777743s3eee 0.....;;;;/;/l.n /.

She really likes the spacebar. =)

Daphne Jade is just too cool in so many ways!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2005

Not really a milestone, but I can't help writing about it...

Daphne is growing up so quickly. I recall being pregnant and a bunch of mothers telling me that babies grow up so quickly and thinking what liars they had been the first few weeks following Daphne's birth (haha). But apparently, they had been very, very, and quite sadly correct. She's two feet long now, and everyday I see more and more they kind of person she's becoming.

For example, today, she was really cranky while I was nursing her to sleep and I stroked her forehead. She was very annoyed with my stroking because she immediately made this annoyed grunt, and I just thought it was the funniest thing, EVER. She's grabbing everything now, and it's just so amazing because I clearly remember her when she wouldn't even unfurl her fingers!!!

Man... ::shakes head in disbelief::

Oh, and I mustn't forget about her very expressive eyebrows. They are always going up and down. Sometimes she just raises one eyebrow, and occasionally, she'll make one go up, take it back down, and raise the other one, so it looks like her eyebrows are doing the wave. Heh, what a funny kid.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Playing with toys...

Daphne can now reach out and play with her toys all by herself. I put her down today with this butterfly-looking toy with a rattle in the center of it that turns, and she reached out and started rotating the rattle. She brought it closer to her and touched it, looked at it, played with it's rattle. It's pretty exciting to see. I put her down with a toy so she could entertain herself momentarily while I did something, but I was so in awe of her newfound ability, I just sat, watched, and occasionally helped her out when the toy seemed to frustrate her because it wasn't doing what she wanted it to do.

I'm so proud of her. =)

I really ought to go buy more film so I can photograph her more.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Daphne Rolled Over

Yesterday, Daphne Jade rolled from her back to her stomach. It was the funniest thing to watch--she kept lifting her head forward, trying to use it as momementum. Hahahaha, I wish we could have videotaped it.

I wish we had a video camera. Le sigh...

Monday, May 9, 2005

First Immunizations...

Ok, last time I posted, she wasn't able to get her immunizations. There was a mix up.

She got them today and, BOY, is she cranky. I feel so sorry for her. I thikn she's sore. I'm going to give her some baby Tylenol, and then maybe all will be well.

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Daphne's First Laugh

Today was the first day I heard my beautiful, intelligent daughter laugh. She laughed RIGHT NOW. More on it later.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Pictures Updated and Daphne Growing Quickly!

Well, I updated the pictures page.

Daphne now fits into her 3-9 month old clothing. She fits in it a little too well, actually. Which means I actually should have had her wearing it about a week or so ago! I need to go looking for 9-12 month clothing! Or maybe she will slow down.

Today, Daphne will get her 2-month immunizations. I'll write how that goes. The appointment is at 3:10pm.

The end.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

First Time, Thumb in Mouth

Today is the first time I've seen Daphne Jade put her thumb in her mouth! She actually did it. But then she gagged.

Now she is trying to eat her fist!

Friday, April 8, 2005

Sling Miracle!

Thank the Lord Daphne is one of the kids who like to being in the sling. I was worried she wouldn't be, but I was so glad when she took to it! AHHHHHHHH! Now I can go places! Hooray!

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

She sucks her hands now, too!

Daphne now eats her hands now! She had been trying to do it for a long time, and now she's finally got a hang of it! What a cool kid, indeed!

She Smiled at Me!

Today, she was lying quietly on my lap, and I said hello to her and asked her how she was doing. You know what she did?? SHE SMILED AT ME!! I got really excited and started to kiss her all over and then she smiled again! and again! I'm absolutely certain that those were real smiles! She's made faces before that resembled smiles, but I doubted if the truly were. I really don't think they were. But these smiles were real!! YAY!

What happened?!

I just finally got Daphne to sleep at 3:00am! What happened to being able to sleep through the night, Daphne?? WHAT HAPPENED?! I'm going to read about babies and schedules.

Monday, April 4, 2005

Breastfeeding is WONDERFUL!

I never, NEVER, NEVER, never, never, never, never, NEVER EVER, NEVER EVER thought I'd EVER admit it, but breastfeeding is seriously the coolest thing in the world. I absolutely DREADED it in the beginning. I remember at the hospital, breastfeeding the baby for the first time. The first time, actually, wasn't all that bad. I don't even remember if I was doing it correctly, but I remember it not hurting. However, the next several feedings WERE EXCRUCIATING. I would ABSOLUTLY DREADED feedings. I tried and tried and tried, but it was so painful, I couldn't stand it. I would struggle to remain calm to unlatch the baby with my pinkie, but the pain was sooooooo intense, I'd just pull her off. What made this worse was that Daphne had low-high risk of case of potential jaundice. BLEH! So she was bottlefed formula. Probably, over the course of her entire life, Daphne has drank 150 fluid ounces of formula, give or take. I am determined to let that amount be the only amount she ever eats, EVER.

She went cold turkey on bottles when Daphne was about 2 weeks old, and it was SO hard. My nipples weren't sore anymore, but they were still tender, and she still hadn't learned to latch on quickly. She was latching on correctly, just not quickly enough. There were so many times after I said good riddance to formula did was I tempted to fetch a bottle. It was JUST SO HARD. She'd struggle to find my nipple and when she couldn't find it immediately, she'd start to cry! Sometimes, she'd be inconsolable. There were times when Eman was even tempted to give her the bottle. But I was SOOO determined. I rationalized that the tenderness was BOUND to go away sometime, and I had no excuse not to breastfeed. There are hundreds of women who have had harder time trying to breastfeed that I had, so there was absolutely no excuse. It was hard for me because I was impatient, and I constantly thought, what would that mean if I gave up on breastfeeding because I am impatient? It's not like I had anything else that demanded my time. I wasn't going to work, I wasn't going to school. I had no legitimate reason. So I kept trying and kept trying. Slowly but surely, I stopped dreading feeding her and the pain subsided.

Now she is a purely breastfed baby. Thinking back on it, it would have been so difficult for me to bottlefeed her. I'd have to get up, prepare formula, warm it up. I actually think what really did it for me though, what convinced me to go cold turkey, was that I'd pass on antibodies to her and that there was almost a zero percent chance that she'd get diarrhea or become constipated due to bacteria in the bottles or making formula too concentrated.

Yep. Now it's time for a diaper change.

Current Sleeping Habits and Weight...

I forgot to mention that Daphne Can now sleep through the night, meaning she can go for 6 hours!!!!! Yipee! Ah, the advantages of having a fat baby.

Also, last time she was weighed... She was 14 pounds! But she had clothes on, so I'm not too sure of it's accuracy. But I very much doubt she had 2 pounds worth of clothes. So I guess she's around 13 pounds and a couple of ounces.

Oh, My Little Daphne Jade

I wish you could talk so you can tell me when you're ready for me to re-start school.


Sunday, April 3, 2005

When Daphne Poos...

When Daphne Jade goes poo-poo, she purses her lips real tight and makes an "O." I want to take a picture of it, but I never get to!

Oh yeah, since yesterday, she can now push her own farts/poo out!


Saturday, April 2, 2005


Re-uploaded pictures and added some more! Go check it out!

Lifts and Holds Head Up...

I've been very delinquent about blogger Daphne's many accomplishments!


BUT--NOW, she lifts her head up and holds herself up on her forearms. She has been doing this though, for the past two weeks. I'm sad because I can't recall the exact date.

I've been neglecting this blog. I need to re-upload those pictures. I'm still wondering where they went. Eman said he was moving directories and they were deleted during the GREAT DELETE, but that doesnt explain why that one picture was left along with the page, and this page, as a matter of fact.

For all those who care and because I feel bad about it, I will tell you what the GREAT DELETE was. It was when Eman was moving directories and I distracted him, so he claims, and deleted the directory with all his MUSIC AND MOVIES AND ALLLLLLLLLL OUR OLD, OLD PICTURES among other things. But if he was like us, normal computer illiterate people, I later realized, and moved that directory by dragging all those files to where he wanted instead of using that stupid terminal thing (which, by the way, he's refusing to teach me how to use), this wouldn't even have been an issue. But alas, he thinks its so cool to type in a string of commands (which actually does seem cool [I am dumb]), so here we are.

Daphne also makes lots and lots of noises. UGH! and I forgot to blog about that one day Eman was holding her, said something nonsensical, and she took a deep breath and said,"gaaaaaay." And it didnt stop there! She proceeded and said gay again except with not so much emphasis on the "a."

DAPHNE JADE, YOU ARE SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 1, 2005

::Laughs Out Loud:: Silly Daphne...

Today, Daphne farted and was startled by her own fart!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was hilarious!


Sunday, March 6, 2005


Eman messed up my picture page! Unintentionally, but still!

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Emmanuel has been a GINORMOUS help...

Emmanuel has been a big help the past two weeks. I'm pretty beat up, myself, but I'm feeling better than I have recently, so I'm going to clean the house, cook some food, and rent some videos for us. Maybe it will lift our spirits. Or maybe I'll just cook and clean and use the videos as incentive for Eman to finish his remaining essays. I think I'm going to rent Bride and Prejudice, The Motorcycle Diaries, and.... hmm... something else.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Upon Request...

Upon request I've posted up some pictures of Eman and myself. Also, look for the new picture of Eman and Daphne that I promised. Here's the link. The link can also be found under the "Links" section of this blog, just in case you didn't know.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Your Birth in Detail...

Daphne, now that I have a little time, I'm going to tell you a bit about your birth and your first week of life.

Your birth was horrible. It started on Saturday night. I had a feeling I was going to have you soon, and a little while after the initial setting in of that feeling and really strong braxton-hicks contractions, I started to get what seemed to be really painful, REAL contractions. I say they "seemed to be painful" because I had not yet experienced active labor contractions. Your dad was awesome. He tried and tried and tried to keep me comfortable and distract me from the pain. We attempted to watch Fight Club in an effort to keep my mind from the pain. This went on from 10:00pm that night to 4:00am the following Sunday morning. Around 4:00am, we decided to call up the midwife and go in. I was pretty convinced by then due to the intensity of my contractions that I was in active labor. When we arrived at Redlands (where the birth center is located) the midwife checked me and I was barely dialated a finger. I highly doubt her measurement was accurate. She had me take Benadryl to try to go to sleep and sent me back home which was horrible. It's a 30 minute drive full of dips and bumps and potholes. I forgot what time I called her the second time; it was probably around noon. So we go there for a second time, and I've barely dialated an inch. She lets me get into the birthing tub, and it got cold quickly. Tania and Teresa arrive and try to help me out. I'm sent home again, and the drive is hell. Your daddy, through all this, has been beyond helpful and understanding. I'm yelling at him and being short-tempered, but he still is patient and understanding. I think I hurt his feelings quite a bit.

Around 9:00pm on Sunday, almost 24 hours after I had started labor, we return to the midwife only to be told that I had only dialated an inch. SOOO inaccurate. I know this for a fact. I finally decide to go to the hospital and the midwife escorts us to Loma Linda Medical Center through the ER. I go to the labor and delivery ward and luckily get a private room. At first, I immediately wanted an epidural, but changed my mind after talking to the anesthetist. The OB/GYN there checked me and said I was four centimeters. Two hours went by and the contractions got increasingly worse. They got so bad that my legs would give way when I tried to walk them off. I finally decided to get an epidural. So they called the anesthetist again and he was very nice about giving me one. I had to stay very still which somewhat scared me because I could barely contain myself when I got contractions. It wasn't bad at all though, and the epidural was successfully executed. They had to stick a catheter in my bladder because I lost all control down there. After being numbed from waist down, I'm finally able to get some rest. I knock out until about 7:00am, I think, maybe a tad earlier. It was really funny because when I woke up, I was very alert and ready to push, but when the time came to actually push, I started getting really drowsy. Go figure. So at 9:00am, I started to push. When Daphne started to crown or beginning to, a strong desire to just sleep overcame me and I asked the nurse if I could stop and start a little later. She kind of laughed and said no. I was really sad. Well not really, but I was kind of pissed at myself for wanting to give birth so badly. I should have just waited and let the baby descend more. Nevertheless, Daphne was born 12 minutes later, just was my epidural was running out. It didn't end there, though. I was given stitches galore, had to be transferred onto a wheelchair, and wheeled over bumps to my room.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention, the doctor thought Daphne had passed meconium while in utero and a team of doctors had to work on her. So I didn't get to immediately hold her. Emmanuel got to hold her first! It was also a good minute before I heard her cry because they had to vacuum out her lungs or something to that effect. She was very healthy though, and I very much doubt she really did pass meconium.

The end. I know not all my verbs agree, but this was written in fragments. So forgive me. There also may be repeated instances. Oops.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A big day...

Your umbilical cord fell off as we washed you at about 7:40 PM.


Monday, February 21, 2005

Your first cold...

Today, we took you to the doctor because you had a stuffy nose and seemed to have difficulty breathing. The doctor ordered a blood test and a chest x-ray. We had to go back to the blood lab a second time because they didn't take enough blood during our first visit. So you had two wounded arms =( At the x-ray place, you were squeezed between this plastic aparatus that kept your hands above your head. It made me sad to see you like that.

The doctor called and said you had the beginning of a cold. I feel really sad about you catching a cold and only being 8 days old.

Oh, also, you gained 11 more ounces! They weighed you and you now weigh 9 pounds 12 ounces!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Daphne Jade is BORN!

On 9:15am, February 14, 2005, weighing 9 pounds and 1 ounce, an measuring 21 and a half inches, Daphne Jade was born!

I have so much to write about but so little time, so I'll just give you random blurbs.

I was in labor from Saturday at 10:00pm until Monday at 9:12am.

More to come later.

Oh yes, come back soon and check the picture page because there will be pictures up!

Friday, February 11, 2005

New picture up!

There is a new picture on the "Pictures of Daphne Jade" page found on the "Links" section! It's of baby Daphne Jade in my belly at 38 weeks and 4 days...which means the picture was taken today!

I didn't even realize it was getting so close...!

Wow! I'm already 38 weeks and 4 days into the pregnancy! That means only 10 more days to go! I should really work on not getting so tired. Ok, now I must shower.

Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Oooh, it feels so nice...

Yes, I have been quite content the past couple of days. My midwife told me to take Evening Primrose Oil, and ever since then, I haven't gotten outrageously angry. Or even angry, actually. I was craving tres leches for the past three days, and actually hauled out yesterday afternoon to go get some from this really nearby bakery called Lola's Mexican Bakery. They claimed to have given my tres leches, but it was just a dry, normal yellow cake. Then when I went to go complain, I accidentally locked my keys in my car. This really nice security man named Nino helped me out. It took half an hour. Bleh. Such a long winding story. I'm not going to tell it all. But they basically gave me a replacement cake they claimed to be tres leches, but was really mocha. I am so annoyed.

Hmm, what else was I going to write about here... I'm going to get the carpet steamed before the baby's born so that it will be crawling on sanitized carpet (once it learns how to crawl, I mean). So if anyone visits me, I don't want your dog crap/human spit incrusted shoes on the carpet. Take them off!

And just in case anyone is curious as to what the primrose does, it's supposed to even out hormones for pre-menstrual syndromatic women. Is syndromatic a word? Eh.

I want to tidy up the house today because it's already so clean, work a little, and then take a walk. Then tomorrow, I want to get the carpets cleaned. Next week, I want to go get a haircut, manicure/pedicure, and maybe a facial and/or body wrap. Uhmmmm, I should save up money to repair my car, too.

Ok that is all. Ta.

Friday, January 28, 2005

I feel abnormally happy...

So last night, I started craving chocolate so I had Eman drive me to the store while I ran in and bought a bag of chocolate. You know what I realized? I should have compared the cents per ounce of the bag to the bars!!!! Hmmm... Okay, next time.

Eman has some pretty good songs. Sex and Candy by Marcy Playground is surprisingly good. He has a bit of good music, and it is all very diverse (Sex and Candy started playing after Marc Anthony's "You Sang to Me," haha). Oh, and guess what just came up after Marcy Playground... Marvin Gaye. He has a lot of Johnny Cash. I haven't warmed up to Johnny Cash, yet though. I didn't like Pink Floyd, but Eman kept playing them over and over and over again, and now I think they are pretty good.

Well, to conclude, I'm expecting Katrina and Dave today, the condo is very, very clean save Eman's clean, folded laundry that he hasn't put away though he said he would by last Wednesday, and I'm extremely happy. Maybe I'll give myself a pedicure today. Yay.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

36 weeks and 3 days...

I saw my midwife today. Since it's my 36th week, I'm going to have to start counting 10 movements within 2 hours. Also, I was advised to take Primrose Evening Oil and do perineal stretches. I really, really should start walking. My mom has been urging me along with everyone else. I'm soooo LAZY! And don't even get me started about my chocolate-eating habits... =S

Off to sleep!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Home Stretch...

Last Thursday was my midwife appointment. They had to swab me, umm, you-know-where, and Eman started to giggle like the pansy he is. I'm going to have appointments everyweek now until the baby is born. I think she's a-comin' pretty soon, though. Sooner than we all expect. I really ought to add more pictures in the picture thing, but I don't have a scanner and must go all the way to the university to go scan them. I really ought to wash the baby's clothes, too. Ok, that is it for now. Oh, yes, there is lots of pressure near my pelvic area, and I cramp up quite a bit. I think the baby is getting annoyed of being so squished.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I can't wait to meet Daphne Jade!!!!!!!!!! Right now, I just can't stand it! I can't wait for her to be born!!! I want to see her grow up, already! I can't wait until she turns 1 and then 4 and then 12 and then 16!!!!!!! I want to go hang out with my 8-year-old daughter!

Monday, January 10, 2005

Child Birth and Baby Basics Class

Eman and I had our first Child Birth class on the January 4 last week. The instructor is teaching us a combination of Bradley and Lamaze techniques. It was sort of interesting. I have exercises to do every day from 100 kegals to pelvic rocks and butterflies. The pelvic rocks are the oddest things. We had to do them in front of everyone in the class, but they were doing them, too. The Baby Basics class was today, and it basically went over newborn baby care. Eman says he didn't learn anything new save how to bathe a baby, but I sure learned quite a bit. Tomorrow, I'm going to work on making a scrapbook for Eman, the baby and myself. It is going to start with how Eman and I met all the way to the baby's arrival. I'm hoping that it will continue farther than that, and that I'll be able to document quite a bit of happy occasions.

Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Constantly Hiccuping

Eman felt the baby hiccup for the first time last night, and after a while he kept asking her to stop because he thought it wasn't good for her. He was mortified when he found out she could open her eyes because of its contact with her urine (amniotic fluid). It was funny/cute.