Monday, March 22, 2010

First Dental Visit

Today, Daphne & Lotus visited the dentist for the first time (which is horribly late because you're supposed to take them when their teeth first come in).

Lotus had her teeth cleaned and examined. It was pretty awesome! She was pretty awesome! She was very cooperative, sat in the examining chair and followed directions. I wish I had had my camera! No cavities!

Daphne was also very awesome. She actually had x-rays taken of her teeth. She loved that she had strawberry flavored paste. She was also cavity-free!

Lotus was a handful, though, when she wasn't sitting in the examining chair, and she kept telling me she "wanted to go home". When the dentist gave her stickers, she responded by saying, "Ah, stickies! Sank you! Sank you so muts!" Translated, this meant, "Ah, stickers! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

All in all, I think they were both very stoked about having their teeth cleaned.

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